Can This New York City Worker Retire Early?

New York City worker retire early
Let’s help this Moola reader break free from the 9 to 5. Thanks to source

Dear Travis,

I’m 27 years old. I have only been working full time for 1 year because I spent 8 years [in the entertainment industry] and I am left starting from scratch. I moved back in with my parents and I have very little in savings. My fiancée makes $25,000 per year currently with little savings. Neither of us have debt. I make $50,000 a year with an unknown bonus. Can this New York City worker retire early? Continue reading “Can This New York City Worker Retire Early?”

Rich is a Relative Term

rich is a relative term
How I’ve Felt Traveling in Eastern Europe. Thanks to Source

I’ve been doing a ton of traveling and have been spending the majority of my time in Eastern European countries.  I have been thinking quite a bit lately as to what my definition of rich would be. Most wealthy people will give a number that is twice their current net worth, which is pretty comical. You have multi millionaires saying they aren’t rich which is pretty silly if you are in the top 1%. You hear stories how $300,000 a year is middle class for a family of four in New York City, or that real estate in SF is so outrageous you can’t find a home there for less than $1,000,000. After considering what the term “rich” means to me, I realized it’s really location dependent more than an absolute dollar amount. Clearly, rich is a relative term. Continue reading “Rich is a Relative Term”

How to Retire in Your 20s

retire in your 20s
My book explaining it all

Folks have asked a lot how to retire in your 20s. The first step is to get out of college without owing your first born child to Sallie Mae. I got lucky and got a scholarship to a state school and worked part time while I was going to undergrad, so I started investing when I was 18. I didn’t have a big balance or a trust fund, rather I just would take whatever I made and instead of buying kegs (ok I bought a couple) I’d take it and buy stocks.

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How Your Retirement Will Be Different From Dad’s


In honor of Father’s Day I thought I’d take a look at the experience of a lot of our dads out there when they entered retirement: they got a pension.  Because the millennial generation is less likely to work for the same employer for the duration of a career, less likely to be unionized, and our pension funds are not very well funded, anyone who wants to retire someday must look to a different source of income.  The typical work for 30 years and draw a monthly payment for an amount close what you used to make while working is no longer a reality for most people.

Continue reading “How Your Retirement Will Be Different From Dad’s”

Freedom from Corporate Serfdom: How to Retire by 25


Have you ever wondered how to break free from staring at your computer screen and watching the clock roll by? If you start off at $40,000 a year at 18 or $60,000 at 22, you can save at least 70% of your income and afford to walk away from your corporate serfdom existence decades earlier than your peers.

Continue reading “Freedom from Corporate Serfdom: How to Retire by 25”