Wealth Inequality Does Not Bother Me

wealth inequality
My 2004 Honda Civic with 200,000 miles on it looks like a Ferrari compared to the Model T

If you listen to the nominees of both major political parties in America, you’d hear that wealth inequality is one of the most existential threats to America in the 21st century. Indeed, in many public policy conversations, unequal division of wealth in America is treated as a no brainer negative for the country. However, I will make an argument that what we should be concerned about is not concentration of wealth at the top, it’s financial literacy and the rate of economic growth. Continue reading “Wealth Inequality Does Not Bother Me”

Why Student Loan Forbearance Is the Worst Thing You Can Do

student loan forbearance
Maybe they’re angry because they didn’t know forbearance screws up most student loan repayment plans

I’m going on my sixth month now of offering flat fee consultations to help folks make a personalized plan to conquer their student debt. After months of studying the federal student loan program, I built a free spreadsheet that over 1,500 people have used to avoid losing out on thousands of dollars in savings by refinancing with companies like SoFi or using the PSLF program. Clearly, helping people with student loan debt is a passion of mine. Let me share with you another free bit of advice. Student loan forbearance is one of the worst things you can do when making a repayment plan. Continue reading “Why Student Loan Forbearance Is the Worst Thing You Can Do”

The Better the Hospital, The Lower Doctors’ Salaries

doctors' salaries
These docs’ salaries might make hundreds of thousands of dollars apart just because some choose to work at academic hospitals instead of go into private practice

When you’re deciding where to work after medical school, where do you think you’d make the most money? Harvard Medical School? Johns Hopkins? You’d be very wrong. I’ve received an up close education to the world of physician compensation after I helped my girlfriend search for jobs this past year, and the results are very surprising. As a general rule, the better the hospital, the lower doctors’ salaries.  Continue reading “The Better the Hospital, The Lower Doctors’ Salaries”

A Dank Basement Enabled Me to Retire at 25

dank basementPeople really want to know what I’m doing with my life when they find out I retired early at 25. They assume I must have had a high powered job and made gobs of money. After all, that’s the only way someone could possibly afford to walk away from it all in this still tenuous economy. In fact, I have to give a special thanks to my dank basement. Without it, I would still be sitting at a cubicle. Continue reading “A Dank Basement Enabled Me to Retire at 25”

Podcash Episode 2 with Christine from CallMeWatson.com

In the latest version of Podcash, I interview my girlfriend Christine from CallMeWatson. We actually recorded this episode in the creative studio center at the St. Louis public library. We talk about our relocation to a new city, how we got a great deal on a car by using Craigslist, and more.  Continue reading “Podcash Episode 2 with Christine from CallMeWatson.com”

What to Do When a Bunch of People Quit at Work

bunch of people quit at workOne of my close family members is dealing with a tough situation right now in her job. A bunch of people quit at work, and now she has to work investment banker hours since they are missing have the normal team size. I realized in watching her employer push her to accept double her normal shifts that employees just don’t realize the power they have. It’s time we turned the tables on the profit focused businesses and squeeze them when the balance is in favor of the employee.  Continue reading “What to Do When a Bunch of People Quit at Work”

Call Me Watson Guest Post on the Gender Pay Gap in Medicine

gender pay gap in medicine
To hospital administrators: She’s worth $1 million bucks.

Thinks are looking up here at Millennial Moola. The personal finance bloggers J. Money and Cait Flanders graciously put my free student loan spreadsheet on the front page of Rockstar Finance. And now, I’ve got a guest post on Call Me Watson, which is run by an amazingly impressive doctor. She writes about medicine, travel, pop culture, and life, and I also happen to be dating her (full disclosure). She just finished up her 11 years of medical education and recently moved into a full fledged attending physician position. I feel like I took a master’s course in physician compensation while watching her job search.

The various offers and interviews she had opened my eyes to the gender pay equity problem, especially as it exists in high level fields such as surgery. Based on my having a bird’s eye view of her experiences, I wanted to write a piece on what I noticed. I’m convinced we can remedy a large part of the physician gender pay gap by informing women how to negotiate and encourage them to push for what they’re worth. Unfortunately, no one teaches these skills in medical school.

CallMeWatson.com has great stuff, particularly for young women working in or around the medical field.

Here’s the guest post again. Please go on over and check it out!


The Raiders Want to Scam Las Vegas Taxpayers Out of $750 Million

las vegas taxpayers
Mark Davis, owner of the Raiders on the left, and Sheldon Adelson, Las Vegas Casino Magnate, on the right. These billionaire beggars want $750 million of public money to line their own pockets. Source

Like most twenty something males, I love watching football. Ever since I graduated college, fantasy football has been a way for me to stay in touch with friends while making random NFL games more interesting. If watching the movie Concussion wasn’t enough to make me question my viewership of the NFL, what’s happening right now with the Oakland Raiders might be the last straw. The owner Mark Davis has partnered with casino magnate Sheldon Adelson to request the largest welfare check in history from Las Vegas taxpayers. In the words of their hired suit who negotiates for them with the city, “Not to be difficult, but we’re not negotiable. If we can’t get 750, we respectfully thank you but we’re going to move on.”    Continue reading “The Raiders Want to Scam Las Vegas Taxpayers Out of $750 Million”

Millennial Moola’s Student Loan Analysis Tool Could Save You Thousands

student loans analyzer
The first tab of my analysis tool, where you enter in all your personal information after downloading the excel sheet to your computer

I’ve been working behind the scenes for months now to produce a simple, free spreadsheet to help with one of the greatest financial problems of our generation, that of student loans. I finally have a student loan analysis tool to share with you after many hours of work, and I’m very excited about it. Click below to download it while you read the rest of the article.

The Millennial Moola Free Student Loan Analysis Tool
Continue reading “Millennial Moola’s Student Loan Analysis Tool Could Save You Thousands”

How to Buy a Used Car for Maximum Value

buy a used car for maximum value

If you’ve noticed a slower blog post schedule recently, it’s because I’ve been helping my girlfriend get set up in St. Louis, MO at her new job. We’ve discovered that owning a car in the Midwest is pretty much a must. Given that I sold my last car on Craigslist to a rapper for top dollar, I lent my expertise to find her a great deal. Here’s how to buy a used car for maximum value. Continue reading “How to Buy a Used Car for Maximum Value”