The unthinkable appears to be happening. Barring some unexpected change to the way things are trending, we will wake up to a President-elect Donald Trump. This has some profound implications for markets, and so many people have asked me what to do on Facebook I’ve decided to post this late last night. Continue reading “What’s Going to Happen to the Markets with President Trump”
The Millennial Moola Show Episode 3: Emergency Election Edition
It occurred to me that this episode I recorded of The Millennial Moola Show will be irrelevant after Tuesday evening. I wanted to break down a detailed account of the candidate’s personal finances, which are among the most corrupt and troublesome of any in our country’s history. Regardless of your politics, I sure wish we had folks running for the highest office in the land that cared more about doing what was right. Even so, both the pro and anti sides of each candidate will find something to like about this episode. Continue reading “The Millennial Moola Show Episode 3: Emergency Election Edition”
This is How to Spot a Student Loan Scam
Check out this guest post from my business website, Student Loan Planner, on the horrible scams going on in the student loan industry.
I found the picture above by searching “student loan advisor” on craigslist job boards. The firm that listed the post was hiring “CLOSERS ONLY.” There are so many dishonest businesses out there in this industry, I’m going to teach you how to spot a student loan scam. Unfortunately, the scum of the earth have moved out of the no income no job no assets mortgage business into the student loan consolidation business. If you’ve ever seen “Obama Student Loan Forgiveness” or “Secret Government Student Loan Program,” you’ve witnessed these scammers in action. Here’s how to watch out for them, and how to know that I’m not one of them. Continue reading “This is How to Spot a Student Loan Scam”
Make a Difference, Volunteer with Junior Achievement
I’m currently living in St. Louis, Missouri, home to an incredible startup community that helped create my shockingly successful student loan business. Real talk: it’s also home to some of the greatest socioeconomic and racial inequalities anywhere in the country. I realized that I needed to do something more than just write articles to help people learn about personal finance. Many of the young, mostly white professionals we met in St. Louis told us never to venture into the North part of the city above Delmar Boulevard. After hearing that, I decided that was the most important place to help. I challenge my fellow bloggers and anyone who has received financial education through Millennial Moola to give back and volunteer with Junior Achievement. Continue reading “Make a Difference, Volunteer with Junior Achievement”
The Most Expensive Birthday Card You’ll Ever Get
My granddad had a financial advisor who always sent a card on his birthday. At the time, I thought it was so nice that a financial professional would take the time to write a hand written card wishing my granddad well and thanking him for his business. After spending years in the financial services industry, I realize now that in most cases, when your advisor remembers your birthday, it’s the most expensive birthday card you’ll ever get. Continue reading “The Most Expensive Birthday Card You’ll Ever Get”
The Innovation that Could Kill Vanguard

A small startup named Wealthfront has created an innovation that could kill Vanguard, the company that popularized the index fund in the mid 1970s. Ever since, the investing world has never been the same. I saw a report that Vanguard had taken in more than 100% of the industry cash flow for 2016. That means that the ENTIRE mutual fund industry has fewer deposits this year in aggregate than Vanguard. That’s because customers are withdrawing their money out of high fee funds. Sitting atop trillions of assets under management, what does a behemouth like Vanguard have to fear? It’s called direct indexing. Continue reading “The Innovation that Could Kill Vanguard”
How to Handle Vicious Robocalls
I made a major mistake when I registered my site online. I’m extremely frugal as most of you who are frequent readers know. Unfortunately, that frugality sometimes manifests itself in being penny wise but pound foolish. If your personal information is ever publicly exposed on the world wide web, you will get vicious robocalls. Here’s what happened to me. Continue reading “How to Handle Vicious Robocalls”
Active Management is the Anti Robin Hood

I recently read that New Jersey’s pension fund paid over $700 million in investment management fees in 2015, almost all to active managers. New Jersey’s pension is horribly underfunded, and over 800,000 middle class people depend on the system for a secure retirement. Somehow, the state has the money to pay active managers three quarters of a billion dollars to underperform the S&P 500 index fund. Essentially, active management is the anti Robin Hood. These folks take from the poor to make themselves richer. Continue reading “Active Management is the Anti Robin Hood”
Warren Buffett is the Greatest Tax Dodger of All Time
Warren Buffett is one of the most brilliant investors of all time. I personally admire him, so when someone as nasty as Donald Trump attacks him as he did in the second presidential debate, I want to come to the defense of the Oracle of Omaha. After all, Trump loves to make outrageously inaccurate accusations. However, one charge Trump leveled in the debate Sunday actually holds some water. He accused Warren Buffett among others of dodging taxes just like he does. Buffett responded that he had paid taxes since 1944 when he was a young teenager. THE TRUTH: Warren Buffett is the greatest tax dodger of all time. Continue reading “Warren Buffett is the Greatest Tax Dodger of All Time”
How Trump’s Implosion Will Affect His Finances
Donald Trump is not even close to being worth “10 BILLION DOLLARS.” In fact, I’ve long held the position that he is running for President to personally enrich himself and to intentionally lose. The key to his strategy is increasing the value of the Trump brand. Unfortunately for him, this strategy took on water after the release of a tape with him making vulgar comments about women. Trump’s implosion will affect his finances, just not completely in the way you might think. Continue reading “How Trump’s Implosion Will Affect His Finances”